
Retrofit step-by-step guide

Where a full renovation requires a more comprehensive renewal of a building management system, a BMS retrofit breathes new life into pre-existing hardware and equipment. In addition to being a sustainable solution that reuses pre-existing installation, a BMS retrofit often leads to better cost and energy efficiency.

Discover how to do a BMS retrofit project in our handy step-by-step guide!


How to do a retrofit project

A BMS retrofit is a lighter alternative to a full-on renovation project. Retrofitting a building management system is a process of replacing old controllers, I/Os and room controllers with new ones without making any changes to field equipment and cabling (unless necessary).

Unlike with renovation, a retrofit preserves existing field devices, sensors and regulating units. Likewise, existing cabling is reused to connect the new controllers and field devices.

Once controller units have been replaced, the entire system is tested comprehensively, and any faulty or defective parts are replaced with new ones. Finally, any necessary adjustments to the programming of the BMS are carried out.

Below, you can download our step-by-step retrofit guide on how to bring your building up to date without having to embark on a lengthy renovation project.

Download our retrofit step-by-step guide here: